செவ்வாய், 2 பிப்ரவரி, 2016

SET 2016 : research methodology -2

  1. If the size of the sample is very small which method of sampling gives better results…………Purposive
  2. Stratified sampling is a combination of which of the following………Purposive and Random
  3. What is not correct about random sampling………..[a] It is also known as chance or probability sampling [b] It given each item an equal probability[c] All of these
  4. When the sampling frame is available in the from of a list-which sampling technique is useful……..Systematic
  5. Systematic sampling design is used when population………Very large
  6. Research methods are only meant for……..Solving the problem unbiasedly
  7. What is the first step in the methodology of research………Formulation and identification of the problem
  8. What is undertaken when problem is formulated for research………Collection of data
  9. Which one is the second step in research process………..Collection of data….
  10. To study the behaviour of a child , which one of the following methods is adopted by researcher………..Case study
  11. What is called that method of research which is a systematic body of principles and rules designed to aid effectively in gathering the source material of history , appraising them critically and presenting a synthesis of the results obtained………..Historical method
  12. History method of research is ……….Past oriented
  13. INFROSS is an example of which type of research ………….Survey
  14. Which of the following research method is useful in a study on measuring the active life of periodicals…………….Survey
  15. Who said that survey research is nothing but a type of descriptive research only……………..F.W. Best
  16. In which method of research , document are treated primary sources……….Historical research
  17. Internal and external criticism are the important elements of which method of research ……………Historical method
  18. Historical method of research can be applied……….In all subjects
  19. In which method of research , observation is not used…………Historical
  20. Controlled group is a term which is used in ………..Experimental research
  21. Cranfield studies are an example of …………..Historical research
  22. Experimental research is generally oriented towards…………Future
  23. Experimental method of research is same as…………Scientific method
  24. Which of the following is oriented towards present…………Survey
  25. Which is the principle method of research in social sciences………………Descriptive method
  26. Which type of research does not involve the use of experiments………….Descriptive research
  27. What is descriptive research………..Is a typical interpretation ;; analysis

of data

  1. In which discipline , the descriptive method  is extensively used…………..Physical and natural sciences
  2. What is done after collection the data for a research problem to obtain valuable results of the problem………..Data analysis
  3. The purpose of data Analysis is to condense large volume of data into meaningful……………Values
  4. What are two types data analysis………….Descriptive and inferential
  5. Inferential analysis is also referred as …………Statistical analysis
  6. What are the methods of data analysis………….[a] classification [b] Interpretation[c] All of these
  7. What names is given to the method in which statistics is used to analyze the data…………Statistical Methods
  8. What is main characteristic of statistical methods……………..They are based upon quantitative analysis
  9. What are referred to as statistical methods……………[a] Mean, mode, medium[b] Coefficient and correlation[c]All of these
  10. Mean, mode and median are called………………Measures of central tendency
  11. Which one is that step of the process of research, by which the results of the same research are notified to others……………Research Report
  12. What does research report provide…………..Total findings of the study
  13. What is research report……………Written description of research
  14. What is the meaning of a research report…………It is an effective way of communication
  15. If the research report is written to submit in a university to obtain any research degree, then what is called this research report…………….Thesis
  16. What is called that research report which is submitted to a university to get M.Phil, degree in a subject…………….Dissertation
  17. What is the main purpose of writing a research report…………..To show research work to others
  18. Writing of research report is which one of the steps of research work…………….The last and final step
  19. The step of writing research report should be based on ……………..Principles of organization and presentation
  20. The body of the research report is always controlled by…………….Research process
  21. The preliminaries in the research report includes…………..Introduction
  22. In the format of research report , which one is the first page……………Title page
  23. What is written on the title page of a research report……………..Title with author's name
  24. What are the main sections of the body of a research report………….[a] Introduction [b] Purpose of the problem[c]All of the above
  25. Research report should be written in ……………..Simple language
  26. By the efforts of which of the following persons , librarianship has attained the position of a full fledged subject as Library Science……………S.R. Ranganathan
  27. Where was the research first started in 1923 in the field of library and information science after Williamson's report…………….USA
  28. Which university in the world awarded  Ph.D. degree in library and information sciences………………..Columbia University
  29. For what purpose, the council of Library Resources was mainly established in 1956 in USA……………..To give aid for library science researches
  30. Which method of research cannot be used in library and information science subject…………Scientific method 
  31. What will be the benefit by applying historical method of research in the study of libraries………………Limitations of the present in comparison to past are known
  32. In which field of library science the case study method of research cannot be used………..Library Budget
  33. What is called the method which is for obtaining and sharing experts judgements speculation  and forecast about some future events for purposes of more successful planning , organization and decision making…………..Delphi technique
  34. What is Delphi Technique…………..It is a method of research
  35. The method of research which one is comprised of a group of modified survey procedures, is called………………Delphi method
  36. What is the aim of Delphi method of research……………Refining of judgemental data
  37. What was Delphi method developed ………….1950s
  38. In which country the Delphi method for research was first developed……………….USA 
  39. Delphi method is related with…………...Forecasting trends
  40. Delphi method is primarily concerned with…………Data interpretation
  41. The Delphi method of research was first developed in USA to predict what……….Future developments in all the areas of the country
  42. If we apply Delphi Method of research in library and information sciences, what will be the results……………It will predict future developments
  43. What is called the statistical and mathematical analysis of bibliographies and literature of a subject…………….Bibliometry
  44. What  is called the application of statistical and mathematical analysis to library statistics on different aspects of library work………………Bibliometry
  45. What is the meaning of Bibliomentry…………….It is a tool/technique of information management
  46. The use of principles of mathematics and statistics in the field of library and information science, is called……………Bibliometry
  47. Who used first the term Bibliometry………….Alan Pritchard
  48. What is not related with Bibliometry…………..Law of osmosis
  49. What technique is not applied in Bibliometry……………..Measurement
  50. Bibliometry can not be called as which one of the following…………..Documentrics
  51. What are two parts of Bibliometry…………..Descriptive and evaluated
  52. Which one is the field, in which the Bibliometry cannot be used………….Qualifications and efficiencies of library staff
  53. What was the name given by Ranganathan to Bibliometry ………………….Librametry
  54. What is research ……………….A systematic method to obtain tentative solution of the problem
  55. Research is an effort…………….To discover, develop and verify knowledge 
  56. Research is meant for which of the following…………….Searching facts and their meaning
  57. What types of process research is …………….Intellectual
  58. Research is a creative work undertaken in order to increase the stock of………………Information , Knowledge
  59. Why research is done …………………To make data as a universal fact
  60. What is the purpose of research ……………….. To discover answer to question by scientific procedures
  61. What is the aim of research…………..To discover laws, theories and principles
  62. Solo Research is done by whom out of the following……………By a person
  63. The characteristic of modern research is …………….Object oriented
  64. What are the two broad categories of research……………..Basic and applied
  65. What is basic research ………….Search for broad principles without objectives
  66. What types of research is the Discovery of Electricity…………..Basic research
  67. What types of research is five laws of library science of Ranganathan………….. Basic research
  68. Basic Research is also known as………………Pure research
  69. A Priori Research has   been divided into following categories…………….Pure and applied
  70. Research carried out to find a solution for an immediate problem is known as…………….Applied research
  71. Pure Research is an investigation conducted by…………….An individual
  72. Pure Research provides a ground for……………..Applied research
  73. The research on a particular problem with some aim is called……………Applied research


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