சனி, 3 மே, 2014

அடுத்த கல்வியாண்டின்(2014-2015) தொடக்கத்தில் ஆசிரியர் பணி நியமனம் - நீதியரசர் நாகமுத்து தீர்ப்பின் முக்கிய பரிந்துரை

I am conscious of the fact that in this State, because of the poor performance of the candidates in the TET Examinations and because of the welcome policy of the Government that there shall be no compromise in the quality of teachers, the Government is struggling to fill up the vacancies in the Government Schools which mostly cater the needs of poor and middle class children. Though the TRB conducted the TET Examinations in August 2013, it could not complete the process of selection of candidates, because of various legal tangles. Since the next academic year is fast approaching, I wanted to relieve the TRB from all legal tangles as far as possible so that the TRB could be free to go-ahead with the selection process and at least at the beginning of the next academic year [2014-2015] the vacancies will be filled up for the benefit of the children in the Government Schools. That is the reason why, I have given much importance to these cases relating to TRB and I have almost disposed of all the cases which were pending on my board. I am sure that the disposal of the instant batch of cases will make the TRB to go ahead with the selection of candidates for the posts of Secondary Grade Teachers and Graduate Assistants. Having regard to the urgency of the matter, I am hopeful that the Government will either adopt the method which I have suggested herein above or some other method which will have scientific rational basis so as to enable the TRB to complete the process of selection.
2). The Government is directed to issue a Government Order expeditiously prescribing any other scientific rational method for awarding weightage marks for Higher Secondary, D.T.Ed.,/D.E.Ed.,/Degree/B.Ed.,/TET for Secondary Grade Teachers / Graduate Assistants, as the case may be and make selection accordingly.
(3) I am hopeful that the Government will ensure that the selection process is completed and vacancies are filled up at least at the beginning of next academic year.

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